
纳斯达克金龙指数本周累涨超22% 创3月中旬以来最大单周涨幅

The Nasdaq Golden Dragon Index rose more than 22% this week, the biggest weekly gain since mid-March

Breakings ·  Dec 3, 2022 05:14
Popular stocks generally rose. The NASDAQ China Golden Dragon Index rose 5.39% and rose 22.38% this week, the biggest weekly gain since mid-March. Zhihu rose more than 31%, Bilibili rose more than 16%, iQiyi and Xiaopeng Motors rose more than 14%, Manbang, NIO, and Weibo rose more than 8%, Ideal Auto rose more than 7%, Tencent Music rose more than 6%, JD, Baidu, Alibaba, and Vipshop rose more than 4%, and NetEase and Pinduoduo rose more than 3%. TSMC dropped more than 1%, while China's aluminum industry fell slightly.

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