

Guangdong pilots new energy to participate in the electricity spot market

Breakings ·  Dec 2, 2022 18:55
On December 1, 2022, the Guangdong Electric Power Trading Center issued the “Guangdong New Energy Pilot Participation in the Electricity Spot Market Trading Plan” and the “Guangdong Electric Power Medium- and Long-Term Timeframe Trading Implementation Plan”. The former proposed that new energy power generation entities should be piloted to participate in spot market transactions, give full play to the role of market discovery, establish sound price formation and bias settlement mechanisms to guide wind power and photovoltaic power plants to optimize planning, layout, construction and operation; the latter proposed to promote effective market formation The electricity price signal realizes a better connection between the price signal and the spot market, and further widens the peak and valley price spread in the market. (Southern Energy Watch)

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