
开源证券:预计2023年全球光伏新增装机或达350GW TOPCon电池/组件出货量有望达到100-150GW

Open Source Securities: Global PV installations are expected to reach 350GW in 2023, and TopCon battery/module shipments are expected to reach 100-150GW

Breakings ·  Dec 2, 2022 18:39
The latest research report from Open Source Securities points out that with the release of silicon production capacity, industrial chain prices are expected to gradually fall, Europe, domestic distributed and other markets are expected to maintain rapid growth under the stimulus of component price cuts. Domestic terrestrial power plants, Southeast Asia, Middle East and Africa, etc., suppressed demand for price-sensitive markets is also expected to be released. Superimposed global policies continue to catalyze or improve marginally. Global PV installations may reach 350 GW in 3 years. Furthermore, with the industry continuing to reduce costs and increase efficiency, the economy of TopCon batteries is now superior to PerC. With the rapid expansion of production in the industry, TopCon battery/module shipments are expected to reach 100-150GW in 2023.

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