
中国光伏行业协会专家:多晶硅不是产业链瓶颈 新产能释放后将支撑产业发展

Experts from the China Photovoltaic Industry Association: Polysilicon is not a bottleneck in the industry chain and will support industrial development after the release of new production capacity

Breakings ·  Dec 1, 2022 11:46
At the China Photovoltaic Industry Annual Conference held today, consultant Lu Jinbiao of the Photovoltaic Association Expert Committee believes that polysilicon is not a bottleneck in the industry chain and will support industrial development after the release of new production capacity. Since this year, major silicon companies have made extraordinary efforts to expand production and overcome difficulties. This year, silicon production will reach 810,000 tons. In addition to imports, 900,000 tons of silicon can meet 350 GW of material. As production capacity doubles next year, production is conservatively expected to exceed 1.46 million tons. Coupled with imports, it can meet 600 GW of materials.

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