

China Photovoltaic Industry Association: Distributed photovoltaics have accounted for two-thirds of installed capacity since this year

Breakings ·  Dec 1, 2022 10:09
According to the Shanghai Securities News, at the China Photovoltaic Industry Annual Conference and High-Quality Photovoltaic Development Summit Forum held this morning, Wang Bohua, honorary chairman of the China Photovoltaic Industry Association, said that the installed capacity of domestic photovoltaics continues to rise sharply this year. In terms of installed structure, household use, industrial and commercial distribution, and centralized distribution are three points in the world. “Distributed accounts for a very high proportion.” Wang Bohua said that in 2016, domestic distributed only accounted for 12% of the installed capacity. Last year it reached 50%, and so far this year it has reached two-thirds. “Of course, the subsequent rush was mainly on the ground, and this ratio may drop slightly.”

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