
通润装备回复关注函:主营业务不构成根本性变化 拟注入的资产净额约为相应指标20%

Tongrun Equipment replied to the letter of concern: The main business does not constitute a fundamental change. The net assets to be injected are about 20% of the corresponding target

Breakings ·  Nov 30, 2022 20:18
Tongrun Equipment replied to the letter of concern. After this transaction, on the basis of continuing to expand and strengthen the original main business, the listed company will vigorously promote resource integration between its existing business and the photovoltaic inverter and energy storage system business. After the listed company adds businesses related to photovoltaic inverters and energy storage, it will realize a multi-industry business pattern. The main financial indicators of the transmission and distribution control equipment business assets to be sold do not exceed 20% of the corresponding indicators of listed companies, and the net asset value of the photovoltaic inverter and energy storage business assets to be injected is about 20% of the corresponding indicators of the listed company. The main business of a listed company does not constitute a fundamental change.

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