

Ministry of Education seeks public comments on “Interim Measures on Administrative Penalties for Out-of-School Training”

Breakings ·  Nov 23, 2022 20:22
The Ministry of Education is seeking public comments on the “Interim Measures on Administrative Penalties for Out-of-School Training (Draft for Consultation)”. Among them, it is proposed that no administrative penalty of more than two fines shall be imposed on the person concerned for the same illegal act of off-campus training. Where the same illegal act of out-of-school training violates multiple legal norms and should be punished with a fine, the penalty shall be imposed in accordance with the provisions on the high amount of the fine. If a natural person, legal person or other organization conducts off-campus training without approval and meets the following conditions, it is an unauthorized organization to hold an out-of-school training institution. The competent out-of-school training department of the people's government at the county level where it is located, together with relevant departments such as public security, civil affairs or market supervision and administration at the same level, orders to stop the holding and refund the fees charged, and imposes a fine of not less than one times and not more than five times the illegal proceeds. (1) Offline training has a fixed training venue, and online training has a specific website or application; (2) there are 2 or more training practitioners; (3) there is a corresponding organization.

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