

State Post Office: Delivery of atomized substances such as smoke liquid and nicotine for e-cigarettes is limited to 12ml per piece

Breakings ·  Nov 23, 2022 16:14
The State Post Office issued a notice on the limited delivery of e-cigarette products, vaporides, nicotine for e-cigarettes, etc., and the delivery of e-cigarette products is limited to 2 cigarettes; e-cigarette smoke bombs (liquid atomizer) or 6 products sold in combination with tobacco bombs (including disposable e-cigarettes, etc.), with a total smoke liquid capacity not exceeding 12ml. Delivery of atomized substances such as smoke liquid and nicotine for e-cigarettes is limited to 12ml per pack. Delivery of tobacco products, e-cigarette smoke bombs (liquid atomizer), products sold in combination with tobacco bombs (including disposable e-cigarettes, etc.), vaporides such as smoke liquid, nicotine for e-cigarettes, etc., is limited to one item per person per day, and multiple items are not allowed.

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