
今日24时成品油零售限价或下调 加满一箱92号汽油或节省7元

At 24:00 today, the retail price limit for refined oil products may be lowered or a tank filled with No. 92 gasoline may be reduced or 7 yuan saved

Breakings ·  Nov 21, 2022 14:16
The price adjustment window for refined oil products will open at 24:00 tonight. A number of research institutes expect that the retail price limit for refined oil products may be lowered. Jin Lianchuang expects that after the opening of the current price adjustment window, gasoline will be reduced by 175 yuan/ton and diesel will be reduced by 165 yuan/ton. After the discount, No. 92 gasoline, No. 95 gasoline, and No. 0 diesel were reduced by 0.14, 0.15, and 0.14 yuan respectively. According to estimates, after the implementation of this price adjustment policy, consumer fuel costs will be reduced. Take a household car with a fuel tank capacity of 50 liters as an example. Filling a tank of No. 92 gasoline saves 7 yuan.

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