

Shenzhen: Call for municipal industrial innovation centers for biomedicine, high-end medical devices, and big health industries

Breakings ·  Nov 17, 2022 09:48
The Shenzhen Municipal Development and Reform Commission issued a notice, in order to accelerate the development of strategic emerging industries in the city, integrate innovative resources within the industry, cultivate and expand new momentum for economic development, combined with the “Shenzhen Industrial Innovation Center Construction and Operation Management Measures (Trial)” and the action plan for the three industrial clusters of biomedicine, high-end medical devices, and big health, now carrying out municipal industrial innovation center recruitment work: 1, biomedical industry direction. Segments: innovative chemical drugs, cells and genes, synthetic biology, brain science, AI+ drug development. 2. High-end medical device industry direction. Segments: high-end medical imaging, in vitro diagnosis, high-end implant intervention, medical robotics, large-scale medical equipment. 3. The direction of the big health industry. Segmented areas: medical beauty, precision medicine, rehabilitation and pension, cosmetics, precision nutrition, modern agricultural products.

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