
四川卫健委:生育补助政策效果有待明确 暂不宜由省级统一出台

Sichuan Health Commission: the effect of the fertility subsidy policy remains to be clarified and should not be introduced uniformly at the provincial level for the time being.

Breakings ·  Nov 11, 2022 08:53
According to information released on the official website of the Sichuan provincial government, the Sichuan Provincial Health and Health Commission has responded to the suggestion of provincial CPPCC members to "explore the introduction of a provincial fertility subsidy policy." The Sichuan Provincial Health Commission said that after the introduction of the three-child birth policy, some regions have implemented measures to encourage childbirth through the issuance of child care subsidies, but at present, the state has not issued relevant policies, and the introduction of policies on people's livelihood should fully assess the level of financial resources at all levels. The implementation effect of this policy on promoting population fertility needs to be further clarified, and it is not appropriate for the provincial level to issue relevant subsidy policies.

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