
海运市场分化:油运价格同比涨超100% 集运即期价格继续下跌

Division of the shipping market: oil prices are up more than 100% year on year and spot prices continue to fall.

Breakings ·  Sep 27, 2022 07:09
As a traditional peak season, this year's collection market shows the characteristics of a sluggish peak season, and spot prices continue to fall. On September 23, China's export container freight index was 2475.97 points, down 5.1% from the previous period (September 16, 2022). The container freight index has fallen for many weeks in a row. Another segment of the shipping market, the crude oil transport market (referred to as "oil transportation" for short), ushered in the peak season ahead of schedule. Contrary to the container freight index, the Shanghai Shipping Exchange's index of China's imported crude oil was 1816.13 points on Sept. 23, up 15.41 points from the previous period. Yang Chang, head of the policy task force and chief analyst of the Zhongtai Securities Research Institute, said: "the high prosperity of oil transportation is mainly caused by supply substitution. As winter is about to enter, European gas demand tends to have a certain degree of rigidity, while the original shrinking supply side may be difficult to expand, perhaps because of the search for new supplies to replace, driving oil prices up." (Securities Daily)

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