
比亚迪汉被曝上牌仅3天自燃 消防:具体原因调查中

BYD Han was revealed to have been licensed for only 3 days of spontaneous combustion: the specific reason is under investigation

Breakings ·  Aug 17, 2022 11:37
According to Weibo Corp, a car owner in Langzhong, Sichuan Province, said on August 16 that he had bought BYD Han Qianshan Cui, which had been licensed for only seven days and only three days, and had spontaneous combustion. The owner said the car had not been exposed to the sun and was smoking as soon as it came out of the garage. In this regard, fire workers in Luozhong said that the specific reason is still under investigation. BYD customer service said that no relevant feedback has been received, followed by staff to follow up to understand the specific reasons, testing can determine the cause of spontaneous combustion.

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