
国家卫生健康委:实施母婴安全行动提升计划 加强儿童医疗卫生服务体系建设

National Health Commission: implementing the Maternal and Child Safety Action Promotion Plan to strengthen the Construction of Children's Medical and Health Service system

Breakings ·  Aug 17, 2022 11:21
The National Health Commission today held a press conference on the "guidance on further improving and implementing active Fertility support measures." Du Xixue, inspector of the population and Family Department of the National Health Commission, said at the meeting that eugenics bears a vital responsibility and mission in reducing birth defects, improving the quality of the birth population, and ensuring the health of children. The Health and Health Committee has always attached great importance to the work of eugenics, giving full play to the advantages of medical resources, and taking the improvement of eugenics and childcare services as an important supporting measure for the implementation of the three-child fertility policy.

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