
国家卫健委:婴幼儿无人照料是阻碍生育首要因素 城市中超1/3家庭有托育需求

National Health Commission: unattended infants are the primary factor hindering childbearing. In cities, there is a need for nursery care among families in the city.

Breakings ·  Aug 17, 2022 10:47
The National Health Commission held a press conference on the morning of August 17 to introduce the "guidance on further improving and implementing active Fertility support measures". Hao Fuqing, deputy director of the Social Development Department of the National Development and Reform Commission and first-class inspector, said: domestic surveys show that unattended infants and young children are the primary factor hindering childbearing. More than 1 million families in cities have demand for childcare, but the supply is obviously insufficient, especially the demand for inclusive services. Studies from all sides and international experience have also shown that the development of child care has a significant effect on reducing the burden of families and increasing their desire to have children. To this end, the "guidance" focuses on five key words, namely, "basic, inclusive, investment, charging, and burden reduction": basic, that is, strengthening basic public services. Inclusive is to focus on increasing inclusive services. Investment is to increase investment support. Charging is to standardize the charges for all kinds of services. To lighten the burden is to lighten the operating burden of the organization.

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