
十七部门要求:各地各有关部门要密切协同配合 加快完善积极生育支持措施

Seventeen departments require that all relevant departments in various localities should cooperate closely to speed up the improvement of positive fertility support measures.

Breakings ·  Aug 16, 2022 15:22
Seventeen departments, including the State Health and Construction Commission, have issued guidance on further improving and implementing active fertility support measures, and relevant departments in various localities should deeply understand the importance and urgency of improving and implementing active fertility support measures, earnestly raise their political position, put population work on the agenda, cooperate closely, and speed up the improvement of active fertility support measures. All localities should adhere to the top leaders' personal grasp and assume overall responsibility, strengthen overall planning, policy coordination, and work implementation, improve specific policies and measures in a timely manner in the light of reality, carefully organize and implement them, and ensure that responsibilities, measures, input, and implementation are in place. All relevant departments should strengthen guidance to local governments, sum up and popularize good experiences and practices, refine supporting measures in a timely manner, promote the solution of problems faced in their work, and constantly improve the service management system. Based on the national conditions, strengthen the evaluation and demonstration, and promote the connection between the fertility policy and the relevant economic and social policies. We will improve the inter-departmental coordination mechanism and strengthen the overall study and supervision of important policies. We will improve and optimize the target management responsibility system of fertility policy, study and establish an index system, and monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of active fertility support measures. Strengthen the publicity and interpretation of policies, respond to social concerns in a timely and appropriate manner, and create a good atmosphere. Report the important situation in time.

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