
十七部门:加强生殖健康服务 推进辅助生殖技术制度建设

Seventeen departments: strengthen reproductive health services and promote the construction of assisted reproductive technology system

Breakings ·  Aug 16, 2022 15:15
The Health and Health Committee issued guidance on further improving and implementing active reproductive support measures to improve the whole service of eugenics and childcare. We will implement the Action Promotion Plan for Maternal and Child Safety and fully implement the five systems for Maternal and Child Safety. Implement the Action Promotion Plan for healthy Children. Strengthen reproductive health services. Expand the trial of labor analgesia, standardize the relevant diagnosis and treatment behavior, and improve the level of labor analgesia. To guide and promote medical institutions to provide targeted services to the public through health education, psychological counseling, traditional Chinese medicine services, drug treatment, surgical treatment, and assisted reproductive technology, so as to improve the level of prevention and treatment of infertility. We will promote the construction of the system of assisted reproductive technology, improve the quality control network, and strengthen service monitoring and information management. Encourage local governments to take positive measures to support care models such as intergenerational care and family mutual assistance. We will expand the supply of home-to-home infant care services for domestic enterprises. Encourage qualified child care institutions to cooperate with domestic enterprises to provide home-based infant care services.

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