
四川光伏产业链公司停产时间不一 对硅料价格影响有限

The different shutdown time of Sichuan Photovoltaic Industry chain Company has a limited impact on the price of silicon material.

Breakings ·  Aug 15, 2022 16:12
The reporter learned from industry insiders that some silicon and battery enterprises in Sichuan have stopped production, but the shutdown time is different, the quantity is not large, and the current inventory effectively ensures supply, so it has little impact on the industry as a whole. Recently, there are a number of new silicon production capacity climbing in China, while the retail market demand is slowing, so the overall supply is still sufficient. Analysts said that as long as long-order purchasing enterprises do not participate in the retail market to grab goods, the relationship between supply and demand in the market will not deteriorate and will not lead to price increases.

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