

National Film Administration: launching the 2022 Film Huimin consumption season

Breakings ·  Aug 11, 2022 17:23
The State Film Administration issued a notice on the launch of the 2022 film consumption season for Huimin. Among them, it is proposed to encourage film production and distribution units to actively put high-quality films into the market, promote more new blockbusters to speed up their release, and actively carry out film promotion activities that integrate online and offline, such as live roadshows and creators, so as to further improve publicity coverage and consumption conversion rate, so as to attract more audiences to watch movies in cinemas. Give out movie vouchers. Jointly with movie ticketing platforms such as Maoyan, Taobaopiao and Douyin, we will distribute 100 million yuan of movie vouchers and set up a special column for the 2022 film consumption season of "Love Movie and Love Life" to subsidize the ticket purchase expenses of the audience and stimulate consumption enthusiasm.

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