
港股午评:恒指早盘收跌2.07% 恒生科技指数跌3.11%

Afternoon comment on Hong Kong stocks: the Hang Seng Index closed down 2.07% in early trading. The Hang Seng Technology Index fell 3.11%.

Breakings ·  Aug 10, 2022 12:02
In early trading, the Hang Seng Index fell 2.07% to 19588.83; the Hang Seng Technology Index fell 3.11% to 4161.6; Automobile stocks led the decline, while Science and Technology stocks and Chinese stocks returning to Hong Kong declined, while CXO concept stocks fell. GOGOX is up nearly 9%, Unified Enterprise China is down more than 10%, Wuxi Biologics is down more than 9%, Longfor Group is down more than 7%, NIO Inc. is down more than 6%, Junshi Bio and Li Auto Inc. are down nearly 6%, and Meituan and Byd Company Limited are down more than 4%.

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