

Four departments: strengthen the monitoring of the shortage of drugs and the production and reserve of selected drugs in the centralized procurement of drugs organized by the state

Breakings ·  Aug 9, 2022 11:28
The General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the General Office of the State Health Commission, the Office of National Healthcare Security Administration, and the General Department of the State Drug Administration issued a circular on strengthening the monitoring of the production and reserve of selected drugs in the centralized procurement of drugs organized by the State. The local departments in charge of industry and information technology, together with the departments in charge of health, medical security and drug supervision, supervise and guide the monitoring enterprises in the region to fill in the production reserve information online and coordinate the organization of production and supply. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shall, together with relevant departments, analyze the production reserve information, carry out timely inspection and evaluation, publish relevant information, and coordinate and solve major problems.

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