
中国银河:随着高温天气蔓延 火电厂有望加速去库

Galaxy, China: thermal power plants are expected to speed up the removal of storage as the hot weather spreads.

Breakings ·  Aug 2, 2022 08:22
China Yinhe Securities Research News pointed out that looking forward to August, in terms of thermal coal, the support of coal demand during the peak summer season is still strong, imported coal is difficult to have a large increase in the short term, and the price of thermal coal is expected to fluctuate steadily and slightly; in terms of coking coal, coking coal prices continue to decline due to the recent weakness of the downstream coke market, but with the approach of the best season for steel production in the "Golden Nine Silver Ten", the demand side is expected to stabilize and pick up. In terms of coke, prices have stopped falling and stabilized in the short term. At present, production limits of coke enterprises in Shanxi and northwest regions are generally close to 50%, and the supply side is significantly tightened. Coke prices are expected to be temporarily under pressure because the mood of steel mills is still negative in the short term.

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