
港股午评:恒指午盘跌0.56% 新东方在线涨超14%

Afternoon comment on Hong Kong stocks: the Hang Seng Index fell 0.56% at midday and New Oriental Education & Technology Group rose more than 14% online.

Breakings ·  Jul 28, 2022 12:02
The Hang Seng Index closed down 0.56% at 20554.09 at midday; the Hang Seng Technology Index rose 0.28% to 4549.44; the education sector rose, Apple Inc concept stocks rose, and photovoltaic solar stocks fell. Li Gao healthy living rose nearly 47%, closed down more than 82% yesterday, New Oriental Education & Technology Group online rose more than 14%, New Oriental Education & Technology Group rose more than 9%, BYD Electronic rose nearly 6%, Shangtang rose nearly 5%, Xiexin New Energy fell more than 20%, and Huijing Holdings fell nearly 14%.

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