

A number of pharmaceutical companies layout AI drug research and development track

Breakings ·  Jul 27, 2022 06:05
According to the China Securities News, since the beginning of this year, a number of listed pharmaceutical companies have laid out the AI drug research and development track, including Yunnan Baiyao, Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical and other enterprises have entered. Industry insiders believe that AI technology can deeply participate in new drug research and development, promote the discovery of new biological target mechanisms and the development of new disease treatment models, will deeply assist traditional drug research and development methods, and greatly improve the efficiency of new drug research and development. At present, AI drug research and development has become the development trend of the industry, the global industrial capital bet heavily on AI Pharmaceutical Technology Company. Domestic applications are mainly small molecular drugs, and mainly concentrated in the field of drug discovery, including molecular generation, activity prediction, virtual screening and other fields, the ultimate goal is to achieve the ability of large-scale platform pharmacy.

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