

Institutional evaluation on the reduction of the rate of personal tax on second-hand housing in Zhuhai: a meaningful relaxation

Breakings ·  Sep 17, 2021 10:10
Guotai Junan Xie Haoyu reported that the recent reduction in the rate of personal tax on second-hand housing transactions in Duocheng, Guangdong, from 2% to 1%, reaching the lower limit of the national policy, is of certain significance and can be further observed to see if there are other forms of relaxation in disguise. Lowering the transaction tax rate does imply policy loosening, whether or not it is in the context of reducing tax pressure. This time, including Zhuhai, Zhaoqing and other cities, lowering the transaction tax rate will indeed bring relaxation to a certain extent, promote active transactions, and even change the future trend. In the previous regulation and control, the government often tightens the regulation by raising taxes and relaxing the regulation by reducing taxes. This time, we can also make a simple analogy.

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