
Deutsche Bank: Can Netflix return to high growth?

美港股觀察社 May 31, 2023 18:15 · 2622 Views
Beginning in the second quarter of 2021, Netflix paid users entered a “slow” era of single-digit growth, and the company's revenue growth rate also declined. At its lowest point, it only increased by 2%.

Affected by the decline in growth, Netflix's stock price fell more than 70% from a high point. Subsequently, driven by a series of stimulus measures, the company's fundamentals began to slowly rebound. In the first quarter of this year, the number of paid Netflix users reached 232 million, an increase of 5% over the previous year, and revenue reached 8.162 billion US dollars, an increase of 4% over the previous year. Both rebounded from their lowest points.

So, can Netflix return to high growth? Let's take a look at the opinion of the well-known bank Deutsche Bank.

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