

Gatong Beixiang: Raising Apple's target price from $165 to $175

美股研究社 ·  Jul 22, 2021 20:21

US Stock Research News, Gatong Beixiang analyst T. Michael Walkley willapples(AAPL.O) raised its target price from $165 to $175 and reiterated its buy rating for the stock.


Before Apple released its earnings report on July 27, analysts raised their business expectations for the stock based on “strong market demand for the company's products.” Walkley said Apple continues to demonstrate the strength of its product ecosystem. He believes that if Apple re-provides financial guidance, then the general expectations of the outside world for its Q3 and Q4 performance will prove to be conservative. In a research report, Walkley told investors that Apple is in an advantageous position and will continue to benefit from the 5G upgrade cycle.

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