
华泰证券:台积电、中芯国际积极扩产 预示产业看好本轮半导体高景气超预期延续

Huatai Securities: The active expansion of production by TSMC and SMIC indicates that the industry is optimistic that this round of semiconductor boom will continue to exceed expectations

新浪财经 ·  Apr 6, 2021 08:32

Huatai Securities pointed out that starting in 2020, due to the expansion of demand for ICs for applications such as 5G, automotive electronics, and IoT, the asset-light design process became increasingly prosperous. Combined with the impact of the scissor gap of the epidemic, asset-heavy manufacturing/sealing production capacity was tight, and multiple rounds of price increases began. Considering that major foundries such as TSMC and SMIC, which were previously cautious about expanding production, have recently actively invested in expanding production, it can be seen that the industry is more optimistic about the sustainability of this round of the semiconductor boom.

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