

The scale of use of the Federal Reserve's reverse repurchase tool surged to a record high of $1.087 trillion

新浪財經 ·  Aug 13, 2021 01:52

In the case of an excess of dollars,The scale of use of the Federal Reserve's reverse repurchase tool has once again soared to over $1 trillion.

On Thursday, 74 institutions deposited $1.087 trillion in the Federal Reserve's overnight reverse repurchase operation, a record high. According to data from the New York Federal Reserve, the previous record high was 1.04 trillion US dollars set on July 30.

This result isn't very surprising, butIndeed, the situation where imbalances in the short-term capital market led to increased downward pressure on short-term interest rates became the focus again. Market watchers are betting that as the US Treasury reduces the supply of treasury bills and cuts cash reserves to avoid breaking through the debt ceiling,The popularity of the Federal Reserve's overnight reverse repurchase tool is likely to rise further.

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