
马斯克抱怨汽车芯片供应 并回应特斯拉中国交付量下滑问题

Musk complains about automotive chip supply and responds to Tesla's declining deliveries in China

新浪財經 ·  Aug 12, 2021 22:36

TeslaCEOElon Musk complains that the world's two largest automotive chip suppliers are hampering the electric car maker's production.

“We are subject to extreme supply chain restrictions on some 'standard' automotive chips,” Musk said on ThursdayTwitterIn response to Ark Investment Management CEO Cathie Wood, she said, “Renesas and Bosch have had the most problems so far.”

Before Musk, manufacturers in the automotive industry had already complained that Japan's Renesas Electronics and Germany's Bosch had limited automobile production.Ford carsEarlier this year, it was said that the fire at Renesas Electronics' Japanese plant posed a major risk to its production plans.VolkswagenA spokesperson said in January that talks were held with major suppliers, including Bosch, over claims due to semiconductor shortages.

Renesas said in early June that the chip factory that caught fire will fully resume production no later than mid-June.

China's deliveries have plummeted

In response to Ark Investment's Wood's tweet analyzing Tesla's domestic deliveries of Chinese cars plummeted by nearly 70% month-on-month in July, Musk replied, “Electric vehicles produced by Tesla in the first half of a quarter were exported, and production in the second half of the quarter was only put into the local market.”

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