

Blackrock, the world's largest asset management company, sold more than 74 million shares of Ali, almost liquidating its positions.

觀察者網 ·  Aug 12, 2021 15:05

Original title: Blackrock, the world's largest asset management companySell AliMore than 74 million shares, almost cleared.

(observer Network News)

Blackrock (BlackRock), the world's largest asset manager, based in New York, released its second-quarter 13F (a document that announces its positions).

According to the contents of the document, Blackrock sold Alibaba Group Holding Ltd sharply in the second quarter.Of the shares, the amount reached 74.02 million shares, and the remaining position was 9.82 million shares. The proportion of shares decreased from 0.56% to 0.06%, and the reduction was as high as 86%.

As the data of the 13F file ends on June 30, Blackrock's reduction has nothing to do with recent hot events such as the employee infringement incident.

The top 10 stocks held by Blackrock include Apple Inc、 Microsoft Corp、 Amazon.Com Inc, Facebook, Alphabet Inc-CL CA 、 Alphabet Inc-CL C C 、 NVIDIA Corp 、 Tesla, Inc.、 Johnson & JohnsonAnd JPMorgan Chase & Co. Information technology, finance and health stocks are the company's favorites.


The Wall Street Journal believes that Blackrock's reduction may be related to China's recent policy changes. While emerging market investors are no stranger to such volatility, US and European asset managers have bought large amounts of Chinese shares in recent years, so even funds such as Pinho and Blackrock, which do not focus on developing countries, will be affected.

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