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Manulife is optimistic about sales according to certified life insurance.

即市頭條 ·  Aug 12, 2021 15:43

Manulife launched its new life insurance products "superior lifetime insurance" and "excellent lifetime insurance" and enhanced the "sincere worry-free additional protection for critical illness" under the designated basic plan. Ji Rongdao, vice president, chief product officer and head of health of Manulife Life Insurance (International), revealed that two to three weeks after the launch of the related products, the market response was enthusiastic, and the relevant life insurance products were certified by reverse mortgage policies and were optimistic about sales performance.

Manulife Hong Kong will release second-quarter sales figures, and Mr Ji said demand for retirement and health insurance products was at an all-time high, reflected in the strong growth in the number of agents and core profits in the second quarter. According to the company's latest survey, nearly 1/3 of the respondents said their primary financial goal is to "save for retirement", but only 40% of the respondents are confident that they can retire at the ideal age, and most of the respondents are worried about their health and financial situation after retirement.

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