
美国参议院通过5,500亿美元基建法案 为拜登赢得重大胜利

The passage of a $550 billion infrastructure bill by the U.S. Senate won a major victory for Biden.

新浪財經 ·  Aug 11, 2021 01:05

The Speaker of the House of Representatives linked the vote on the bill to the $3.5 trillion economic plan

550 billion US dollars will be used for upgrading and expansion of roads, railways, power grids, broadband, etc.

The US Senate has passed a $550 billion infrastructure bill, marking the largest public utility spending in decades and a major victory for President Joe Biden on the economic agenda.

Members of both parties in the Senate passed the infrastructure bill by a 69-30 vote on Tuesday, making a breakthrough on an issue that has plagued Congress and the president for years.

But the spirit of bipartisanship will soon fade away, and Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer has immediately shifted his focus to an one-party budget resolution in an attempt to pass a $3.5 trillion economic plan involving extensive social spending and tax increases.

"it was a long and tortuous road, but we persevered and reached our destination," Mr Schumer said before the vote. The bill will "strengthen every important physical infrastructure of our country".

Next, the infrastructure bill will face obstacles in the House of Representatives. The House of Representatives will adjourn until September 20th. Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has been pressured by radicals, has said that the House of Representatives will not be allowed to vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill until the Senate passes the $3.5 trillion economic plan budget, while moderates urge the House of Representatives to pass the infrastructure bill before then.

In addition, the House of Representatives may also seek to amend the infrastructure bill. Peter DeFazio, chairman of the House Transportation Committee, warned that he was not satisfied with the current version of the bipartisan infrastructure bill and that if no changes were made, the bill would "stay in the House for a long time."

If the infrastructure bill is eventually approved by both houses of Congress, all states will benefit. The bill includes about $110 billion in new spending on roads and bridges, $73 billion on grid upgrades, $66 billion on railways and Amtrak, and $65 billion on broadband expansion.

Republicans can claim that the bill will invest a lot of money in their priorities without raising taxes, which is their victory, and Biden can claim that this is a major achievement for decades. it does not include an unpopular gasoline tax or other taxes that could hit the middle class.

The Senate failed to approve unanimously to replace the encrypted currency tax report clause with measures to narrow the scope of the target. The cryptocurrency industry says the original version is unfair to them and is too wide-ranging.

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