
尼康海外注册了一款新充电器:旗舰Z 9专用?

Nikon has registered a new charger overseas: for flagship Z 9?

太平洋電腦網 ·  Aug 10, 2021 00:15

NikonA few days ago, a new charger was registered overseas, the model is MH-33. Because Nikon is likely to launch the flagship Z 9 in the second half of the year, the MH-33 is also likely to be a dedicated charger for Z 9.

Of course, this is not 100% sure, after all, for the time being, I don't know what MH-33 looks like, only the registration information. But what's interesting is that in the DSLR series, the D6 uses MH-26a, and I think the MH-33 is the standard charger for Z 9.

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