

The White House explained why Tesla was not invited: who told you not to have a trade union?

新浪財經 ·  Aug 6, 2021 07:36

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki spoke to Tesla on Thursday.A tweet from CEO Elon Elon Musk responded after Mr Musk said it seemed "strange" that Tesla was not invited to an event at the White House related to the Biden administration's initiatives on electric vehicles.

At her daily news conference, Psaki was asked to explain why Tesla was not invited to the event, despite the company's leading position in the electric car industry.

"of course, we welcome the efforts of all automakers who recognize the future potential of electric vehicles and support the president's goals," Psaki said. Of course, Tesla is one of such companies. "

"Today, the top three employers of the United Auto Workers (UAW) and the president of the UAW will stand with President Biden to announce his ambitious new goals," she added. However, she added that the Biden administration expects more partners in the future.

"but I don't want this to be the last time we talk about clean cars and the transition to electric cars," Psaki said. "We look forward to a series of partners in this effort."

When asked whether Tesla was excluded from the event because there was no trade union, Psaki pointed out again that the participants included "the three major employers of the United Auto Workers."

"I will let you draw your own conclusions," she told reporters.

Over the past few years, Musk has publicly opposed efforts to unionize Tesla employees at the Fremont car plant in California. In March, the National Labor Relations Board ordered Musk to delete an anti-union tweet from 2018 and reinstate an employee who had been fired for working for an labor organization.

At the same time, Biden has established close relations with major trade unions since taking office. His government believes that its plan to focus on green energy infrastructure will create millions of high-paying union jobs.

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