
长城汽车(02333)A股股票交易异常波动 不存在未披露的重大事项

Great Wall Motor (02333) abnormal fluctuations in A-share trading there are no major undisclosed events

智通財經 ·  Aug 2, 2021 18:03

Zhitong Financial APP News, Great Wall Motor (02333) announced that the company's A-share shares closed for three consecutive trading days with a cumulative deviation of more than 20%, belonging to abnormal fluctuations in stock trading.

After the company's self-examination and verification with the controlling shareholder and the actual controller, as of the date of this announcement, except for the company's disclosed interim performance of 2021, KuaiBao, the company, the company's controlling shareholder and the actual controller do not have any other major matters involving the company that need to be disclosed and are under planning. Including but not limited to major asset restructuring, acquisition, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset divestiture, asset injection, share buyback, bankruptcy restructuring, major business cooperation, introduction of strategic investors and other major matters.

At present, the company's main business development is relatively stable, no major changes have taken place.

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