
南下资金净卖出8.69亿港元 腾讯遭净卖出近17亿港元

The net sale of southbound funds is HK $869 million. Tencent has a net sale of nearly HK $1.7 billion.

格隆滙 ·  Aug 2, 2021 17:40
Gelong Exchange on August 2, China's southbound funds sold a net of 869 million Hong Kong dollars today. In terms of Hong Kong Stock Connect (Shanghai), Tencent received a net sale of HK $1.151 billion and Meituan a net sale of HK $410 million. In terms of Hong Kong Stock Connect (Shenzhen), Meituan received a net sale of HK $642 million and Tencent a net sale of HK $534 million.

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