

Meituan App internally tests the entrance of "short video", which can be browsed like Douyin.

Tech星球 ·  Aug 2, 2021 09:43

Tech Planet exclusively learned that after Dianping App can browse short videos up and down, Meituan App added a similar feature in May this year, which can swipe up and down like Douyin to watch "short videos", thus improving the experience.

Previously, Douyin internally tested "heartbeat takeout" and local life services, and outsiders said that Douyin "invaded" Meituan's hinterland. Meituan internally tested the entrance of "short video" to create a new viewing mode. it may also be a response to Douyin's layout of local life and expand its content ecology.

Product trends:Tech Planet has learned that the function is currently called "make money by watching video" or "make money by video". The entrance is located in the menu entry on Meituan's home page of App, but it has not been fully opened because it is still under testing.

Through the experience, we can find that the short videos in "earn Video" can be viewed up and down, as in Douyin App, and you can also give likes, and the content of the short videos is mainly recommended. In addition, the recommended address and description are displayed at the bottom of the short video. Click on the address to jump directly to the merchant interface, and the address has become an important window for merchant drainage.


Gold coin income and cash income will be displayed at the top of the short video. according to the rules, users can exchange cash and withdraw cash after they reach the required number of gold coins and continuously complete the task of multiple daily active users. Click the rocket button in the video interface to speed up the speed of making money. It is not difficult to see that Meituan uses money as a reward gimmick to promote new users, the growth of user activity, and the promotion of this function. In addition, compared with the fast versions of Douyin and Kuaishou, this function is facing users in the sinking market. Due to the peak of domestic Internet traffic, traffic growth is slow and incremental competition becomes stock. Use the net profit mode to attract users sinking into the market and increase user stickiness.

Update highlights:Volume has become one of the hallmarks of the Internet. Companies that start with short videos do local life and takeout, while enterprises dominated by e-commerce do community group buying. Now Meituan, who mainly sells outside, is also starting to add short videos.

In fact, Meituan began to lay out short videos as early as 2017, and his Dianping launched "comment videos" to achieve the transformation from "instrumental" to "inclusive". In 2019, Meituan App inserted a video advertising section for some merchants on the home page. Users can see merchants' short video ads in the process of selecting merchants, and the window that plays short video ads can also directly serve as an entrance for merchants to order.

Subsequently, Meituan added Dianping's recommended article, in the form of short video and picture and text, but at this time the short video is still unable to slide up and down, can only click on a single playback, the sense of experience is limited.

This time, Meituan App internally tested the "short video" entrance, and can provide the same viewing mode as Douyin, indicating that Meituan will increase the construction of short video direction.

According to the QuestMobiled data report, the number of monthly active users of Meituan APP has reached 320 million. As a super App, Meituan, whose boundary is no longer local life, is already involved in travel, shopping, e-commerce and other fields, and it is not surprising to set foot in the field of short videos. As a content carrier, short video can better display the recommendation or product content of merchants and users than pictures and text, and provide help for users to better obtain business experience and knowledge acquisition. In addition, as the time of domestic users becomes more fragmented, and short videos can meet the needs of fragmented time entertainment, it is convenient for Meituan App users to use time and cash.

I have to say, after Douyin and Kuaishou, two major short video platforms, "invaded" Meituan's field, Meituan also began to comply with the trend. The two previously scattered short video businesses were integrated and introduced short video portals, so as to make up for their shortcomings in the short video business and become the moat of Meituan's new business. In the future, it cannot be ruled out that, like Douyin, through short videos, takeout, e-commerce and other businesses will be connected to achieve ecological connection. Promote business cash flow and traffic conversion.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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