

Statistics on the changes in the share of Zhitong Hong Kong stocks | August 2

智通財經網 ·  Aug 2, 2021 08:35

According to the data disclosed on July 30, 2021, Jinke Services(09666), Luoyang Glass Co., Ltd.(01108), ninety-nine cents(09922) the proportion of Hong Kong stock holdings increased the most, increasing by 0.84%, 0.53% and 0.51% respectively; Zheng coal machine(00564), CRRC era Electric(03898), Xin Xin Co., Ltd.(02400) the proportion of Hong Kong stock holdings decreased the most, by-1.66%,-0.91% and-0.64%, respectively.

Think about Le Education (01769) and Dongyue Group in the 5 trading days in which statistics are available.(00189), Dream World(01119) Hong Kong shares have the largest added value, increasing by 4.06%, 3.11% and 2.46% respectively; Luoyang Glass (01108) and Haohai Biotechnology(06826) and Kingsoft (03888) the proportion of Hong Kong stock holdings decreased the most, by-2.71%,-2.51% and-2.26%, respectively.

The specific data are as follows (the exchange data are settled according to T2):

1. The latest daily share increase list of Hong Kong Stock Connect (top 20)

Company nameRatio changeLatest shareholding ratio
Jinke Service (09666)+0.84%16.94%
Luoyang Glass Co., Ltd. (01108)+0.53%28.68%
Ninety-nine cents (09922)+0.51%11.71%
Ganfeng Lithium (01772)+0.43%28.94%
Yasheng Medicine-B (06855)+0.33%18.60%
Beijing Mechanical and Electrical Co., Ltd. (00187)+0.30%21.36%
Dongyue Group (00189)+0.29%25.14%
Cinda organism (01801)+0.27%17.66%
China Metallurgical Industry (01618)+0.27%21.35%
Oriental Securities (03958)+0.25%43.22%
Dream World (01119)+0.25%11.86%
China Literature Group (00772)+0.25%9.71%
Jinfeng Technology (02208)+0.24%1.98%
Jinyu Group (02009)+0.23%16.30%
Wuxi Apptec (02359)+0.23%10.50%
Baolong Business (09909)+0.23%7.68%
Guangfa Securities (01776)+0.23%32.57%
Xintian Green Energy (00956)+0.22%15.84%
Shandong Gold (01787)+0.21%16.40%
Time Neighbourhood (09928)+0.21%4.23%

2. The latest daily share reduction list of Hong Kong Stock Connect (top 20)

Company nameRatio changeLatest shareholding ratio
Zheng Coal Machinery (00564)-1.66%22.93%
CSR era Electric (03898)-0.91%35.22%
Heartbeat Company (02400)-0.64%16.93%
China Oilfield Service (02883)-0.63%28.94%
Chenming Paper (01812)-0.57%32.22%
Meituan-W (03690)-0.45%5.62%
ZTE Corporation (00763)-0.44%26.77%
New Oriental Education & Technology Group online (01797)-0.42%13.38%
Tianli Education (01773)-0.40%17.18%
China Telecom Corporation (00728)-0.40%32.01%
Huahong Semiconductor (01347)-0.39%11.95%
GAC GROUP (02238)-0.39%24.10%
Kingsoft (03888)-0.37%15.36%
Sansheng Pharmaceutical (01530)-0.36%15.33%
Nestor (01316)-0.35%5.20%
Hongxing Macailong (01528)-0.34%22.49%
Zhejiang Shibao (01057)-0.32%31.11%
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (00388)-0.32%7.10%
Jinxin Reproduction (01951)-0.28%19.91%
Sihuan Medicine (00460)-0.27%11.23%

3. Hong Kong Stock Connect occupied the share increase list on the 5th (top 10)

Company nameRatio changeLatest shareholding ratio
Thinking Music Education (01769)+4.06%6.21%
Dongyue Group (00189)+3.11%25.14%
Dream World (01119)+2.46%11.86%
Jinke Service (09666)+2.31%16.94%
Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (00981)+1.99%20.83%
China Metallurgical Industry (01618)+1.75%21.35%
Safe and good Doctor (01833)+1.64%8.90%
New Oriental Education & Technology Group online (01797)+1.37%13.38%
Poly Properties (06049)+1.25%47.00%
China Shipping Defense (00317)+1.08%6.04%

4. Hong Kong Stock Connect accounted for the reduction list on the 5th (top 10)

Company nameRatio changeLatest shareholding ratio
Luoyang Glass Co., Ltd. (01108)-2.71%28.68%
Haohai Biotechnology (06826)-2.51%22.65%
Kingsoft (03888)-2.26%15.36%
Zheng Coal Machinery (00564)-1.97%22.93%
China Oilfield Service (02883)-1.76%28.94%
Jinxin Reproduction (01951)-1.74%19.91%
CSR era Electric (03898)-1.73%35.22%
Heartbeat Company (02400)-1.52%16.93%
Shisiyao Group (02005)-1.14%10.58%
Hagia Medical (06078)-1.12%20.91%

5. Hong Kong Stock Connect occupies the share increase list on the 20th (top 10)

Company nameRatio changeLatest shareholding ratio
Dongyue Group (00189)+12.46%25.14%
Dream World (01119)+5.27%11.86%
Ganfeng Lithium (01772)+4.79%28.94%
First Tractor Co., Ltd. (00038)+4.64%38.14%
Jinke Service (09666)+4.60%16.94%
Thinking Music Education (01769)+4.38%6.21%
Follett Glass (06865)+4.10%33.23%
Luoyang Molybdenum Industry (03993)+4.03%11.68%
Great Wall Motor (02333)+3.91%47.66%
CSR era Electric (03898)+3.49%35.22%

6. Hong Kong Stock Connect accounted for the reduction list on the 20th (top 10)

Company nameRatio changeLatest shareholding ratio
Weimeng Group (02013)-10.38%10.39%
Kingsoft (03888)-6.91%15.36%
Luoyang Glass Co., Ltd. (01108)-6.74%28.68%
China Oilfield Service (02883)-3.62%28.94%
Jinxin Reproduction (01951)-2.20%19.91%
China Software International (00354)-2.12%12.48%
Chongqing Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. (01053)-2.09%13.80%
Minhua Holdings (01999)-1.92%24.21%
CITIC (06030)-1.77%10.87%
Oriental Education in China (00667)-1.73%7.33%

Note: the above data are automatically generated by Zhitong robot according to the data of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and calculated by artificial intelligence, and the data is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate; the percentage change is an absolute value of change, such as 1% the previous day and 2% the next day. The percentage change is an increase of 1%.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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