

China Metal Utilization (01636.HK): executive Directors complete training

格隆滙 ·  Jul 30, 2021 17:36

China Metal Utilization (01636.HK) announced on July 30th that Yu Jianqiu, the chairman and executive director of the company, had violated paragraphs A.3 (a) (I) and B.8 of the Model Code and violated its directors' commitment to comply with the listing rules to the best of its ability.

Directives of the listing Committee, including Yu JianqiuParticipate in the three-hour training ("training") provided by the training providers approved by the listing Department of the Stock Exchange on the duties of directors, the Model Code and the Corporate Governance Code (Appendix 10 and 14 of the listing rules, respectively). The training should be completed within 90 days from the date of release. And to provide the listing Department of the Stock Exchange with a written certificate of full compliance with the training requirements issued by the training institution within two weeks after the completion of the training.

According to the above instructions, Yu JianqiuParticipated in and completed the training from 6 to 9 July 2021, andA written certificate of Yu Jianqiu's full compliance with the training requirements was submitted to the listing Department of the Stock Exchange on 16 July 2021.

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