
港股异动 | 中国玻璃(03300)再涨超16% 获股东施丹红增持涉资近8500万港元

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | China Glass (03300) rose by more than 16% to gain shareholders Shi Danhong's holdings of nearly HK $85 million.

智通財經 ·  Jul 29, 2021 09:53

Zhitong Financial APP learned that China Glass (03300) rebounded by more than 20% yesterday and rose more than 16% in intraday trading today. As of press time, it rose 14.23% to HK $3.13, with a turnover of HK $43.4486 million.

On the news side, according to the latest equity disclosure information of the Stock Exchange, China Glass increased its holdings of 36.524 million shares by shareholder Shi Danhong on July 27, with an average price of HK $2.306 per share, with an investment of about HK $84.224 million. After the increase, Shi Danhong's latest number of shares is 111114000 shares, and the proportion of shares has increased from 4.12% to 6.14%.

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