
港股异动 | 中国玻璃(3300.HK)涨超20% 获多家券商看好

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | China Glass (3300.HK) rose by more than 20% and was favored by many brokerages.

格隆滙 ·  Jul 28, 2021 16:13
China Glass (3300.HK) shares rebounded to HK $2.74, up 20.18%, with the latest total market capitalization of HK $4.96 billion, down 38 per cent in the previous four trading days. CICC reported that it maintained its rating on the company's outperforming industry, with a target price of HK $4.3, and expected that the gap in the second half of the peak season of float glass is expected to widen, supporting prices to continue to rise. Tianfeng Securities expects the company's revenue from 2021 to 23 to be 46.4% 49.8 / 5.58 billion yuan respectively, an increase of 47%, 7% and 12% respectively over the same period last year, and its home net profit is expected to be 6.9% / 830 million yuan from the same period last year. In 21 years, it reversed losses and achieved a higher level of profit, and in 22 / 23 it was 6% 21% respectively compared with the same period last year. Maintain a buy rating on the company with a target price of HK $4.31.

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