
港股异动 | 恒大概念股走高 恒腾网络(00136)涨超16% 恒大汽车(00708)涨超5%

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Evergrande concept stocks rise higher Evergrande Network (00136) up more than 16% Evergrande Motor (00708) up more than 5%

智通財經 ·  Jul 28, 2021 15:15

Evergrande concept stocks rose today. As of press time, Evergrande Network (00136) rose 15.66% to HK $3.25, Evergrande Motor (00708) rose 5.67% to HK $11.18, and Evergrande property (06666) rose 2.91% to HK $5.31, Zhitong Financial APP learned.

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