
港股异动 | 中国玻璃(03300)午后跌超30% 玻璃主力合约连续两日大跌

Hong Kong stocks change | China Glass (03300) fell more than 30% in the afternoon. The main contract of glass fell sharply for two days in a row.

智通財經 ·  Jul 27, 2021 14:40

Zhitong Financial APP learned that China Glass (03300) enlarged its afternoon decline by more than 30% to as low as HK $2.10, basically giving up all its gains during the month. As of press time, it fell 25.25% to HK $2.25, with a turnover of HK $207 million.

On the news, glass futures prices fell at a high level, falling sharply for two consecutive days, the main contract switched to January, the glass 2101 contract is now down more than 4%, and the exchange has imposed position restrictions on some glass futures contracts. In terms of fundamentals, the inventory growth of the original film factory has slowed down, and spot prices remain high under the low absolute quantity, with an upward trend in some regions.

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