
美国联邦禁止驱逐租客令即将到期 遭驱逐租客或空前增多

Us federal ban on eviction of tenants is about to expire, evictions of tenants may be unprecedented.

新浪財經 ·  Jul 26, 2021 22:40

The federal ban on landlords from evicting tenants expires at the end of July, and this time it is impossible to extend it, putting millions of tenants at risk.

Although the number of COVID-19 cases in the United States has accelerated due to the delta strain, the regulation, which was implemented during the COVID-19 epidemic, will expire with a series of emergency measures.

Some states, including California and New York, have their own rules prohibiting the eviction of tenants, but the expiration of the ban by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is still worryingThere may be a large number of landlords evicting tenants who are in arrears with rent.

Congress has allocated nearly $47 billion to support this, but so far state and local governments have been slow to allocate money.

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