
港股异动 | 南方锰业(1091.HK)再度大涨逾24% 近三个交易日累涨约90%

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Southern Manganese Industry (1091.HK) rose more than 24% again, up about 90% in the last three trading days.

格隆滙 ·  Jul 26, 2021 15:37
The share price of Southern Manganese Industry (1091.HK) rose again on July 26, reaching an intraday high of 1.13 Hong Kong dollars, the highest since July 2015. It is now trading at 1.06 Hong Kong dollars, an increase of 24.7 percent. The latest total market capitalization is 3.634 billion Hong Kong dollars, up about 90 percent in the past three trading days. With regard to the sharp rise in the share price, the company issued a notice on the 25th that after inquiry, it was confirmed that it did not know any reason for the fluctuation of the relevant price and trading volume, or any information that must be published to avoid a false market in the company's securities, or any inside information to be disclosed under part XIVA of the Securities and Futures Ordinance.


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