
双减政策落地 港股教育股继续全线大跌

Double reduction policy implemented, Hong Kong stocks, education stocks continued to plummet across the board

格隆滙 ·  Jul 26, 2021 09:24
Glonghui, July 26 - Continuing the decline of last Friday, Hong Kong education stocks opened today and continued to plummet across the board. New Oriental-S, New Oriental Online, Tianli Education, Thinking Music Education, and Excellence Education Group fell more than 14%, DaShan Education and New Higher Education fell more than 11%, Ruijian Education fell more than 10%, and Yuhua Education, Hope Education, and Maple Leaf Education fell across the board. On July 24, the education double reduction policy came into effect. Regarding the strict prohibition of capitalization of subject training institutions, CITIC Securities believes that listed institutions may face the risk of delisting or divesting their subject business.48ff7-b2bb96e5-f33d-4deb-b496-6c9c115da324.png

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