
南方锰业(01091.HK)股价异常波动 无应披露任何内幕消息

The stock price of Southern Manganese Industry (01091.HK) fluctuates abnormally and should not disclose any inside information.

格隆滙 ·  Jul 25, 2021 18:36

Gelonghui July 25, Southern Manganese Industry (01091.HK) announced that the company's board of directors noted that the company's share price and trading volume had increased in the past three days. The Board, having made reasonable enquiries about the Company in the relevant circumstances, confirms that it is not aware of any reason for the fluctuation of the relevant price and volume, or any information that must be published to avoid a false market in the securities of the Company, or any inside information required to be disclosed under part XIVA of the SFO.

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