
港股光伏太阳能板块全线上涨 水发兴业能源涨超23%领涨

Hong Kong stocks photovoltaic solar sector rose across the board, Shuifa Societe Generale Energy rose by more than 23%, leading the rise.

格隆滙 ·  Jul 22, 2021 16:02
On July 22, Gelonghui, Shuifa Industrial Energy rose by more than 23%, Sunshine Energy by nearly 14%, downwind clean energy by more than 12%, Camdanke and Xiexin New Energy by more than 10%, Xinyi Light Energy by more than 5%, and Follett Glass by nearly 4%.

The National Energy Administration issued the notice on submitting the pilot scheme of roof distributed photovoltaic development in the whole county (city and district) in June, and cooperation contracts for distributed photovoltaic projects are being signed across the country. Shuifa Xingye Energy recently carried out the layout of distributed photovoltaic project in Shandong Qilu Chemical Zone, and its subsidiary reached a cooperation with Qilu Chemical Park to develop roof distributed photovoltaic in the whole area.

Analysts said that clean energy, represented by photovoltaic and wind power, is driven by the dual-carbon policy, and the industry has a huge prospect, and the relevant system integration enterprises will be the main force to promote the landing of the policy. At the same time, there are great differences in distributed photovoltaic projects in the whole region (county). As the forerunner of policy landing, state-owned enterprises play an exemplary role in local distributed photovoltaic projects according to local conditions and landing in batches.


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