

"abnormal stocks" (01796.HK) is 1.3 times the price and the volume is about two-and-a-half years high.

缸邊情報 ·  Jul 19, 2021 15:23

Yaogao Holdings (01796.HK) price changed in volume, the share price soared nearly 1.5 times to 1.46 yuan in the afternoon, close to the high of 1.48 yuan created in late January 2019, now 1.36 yuan, 1.3 times higher, has always been sparse trading sharply increased to 14.73 million shares, Tongchuang since January 2019 the most, involving 16.35 million yuan.

Yogao is mainly engaged in decoration services and supply of decoration materials, and its shares were listed at 1.05 yuan per share at the end of 2018. After listing, the share price repeatedly rose to a new high of 1.63 yuan in mid-January 2019, and fell to 0.33 yuan in early January this year. The company announced late last month that its full-year loss for the year ended March had more than tripled to 32.52 million yuan, or 6.77 cents per share, and total income for the period had fallen nearly 34 percent to 278 million yuan on a year-on-year basis.

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